

This C.V. is updated periodically, but for a fully detailed and up-to-date version please get in touch.


PhD in Theology and Religion, Durham University, July 2015.

Thesis: A Defence of Theological Virtue Ethics.

Supervisors: Professor Christopher Insole, Professor Mark McIntosh.

Examiners: Professor Robert Song, Professor Mark Wynn.

Awarded with no corrections.

MA (Distincton) in Theology and Religion, Durham University, September 2011.
BA (2:1) in Philosophy and Theology, Durham University, June 2010.


Senior Lecturer in Value Studies, University of Winchester

Department of Philosophy, Religions and Liberal Arts, Institute for Value Studies, 09/2018-08/2023

The Institute for Value Studies is a unit founded to promote interdisciplinary conversation across departmental boundaries. Senior Lecturer and current Programme Leader responsible for research, teaching, curricular development and relevant administration.

Research Fellow in Theology and Science, University of Leeds

School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, 09/2017-09/2018.

Member of international Science-Engaged Theology network run by the University of St. Andrews, promoting new approaches to work between theology and the human and natural sciences.

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame, USA

Centre for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing, Human Distinctiveness Interdisciplinary Project, 05/2015-08/2017

Member of an interdisciplinary team of anthropologists and theologians researching human nature and development. Role included both individual and collaborative research, teaching and conference presentations.



Defending Virtue Ethics, Bloomsbury Series in Philosophy of Religion (London: Bloomsbury, forthcoming).

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Conference Papers, Research Seminars and and Panels

  • ‘Virtuous Failures: Grace and the Psychology of Behavioural Inconsistency’, Presented at European Conference on Science and Theology, Ålesund, Norway, May 2022.

  • ‘The Science and Theology of Moral Judgement’, Presented at Philosophy, Religions and Liberal Arts Research Seminar, Winchester, October 2021.

  • ‘Reason, Desire and Purpose: Moral Action in Theology and Science’, Presented at Theology Research Seminar, Exeter, May 2019.

  • – Earlier version also presented at Theology and Ethics Research Seminar, Durham, Nov. 2018.

  • Panel on Interdisciplinary Research, ‘Human Distinctiveness: Wisdom’s Deep Evolution’, Notre Dame London Global Gateway, 6-9 July 2017.

  • ‘Timeless Wisdom’, presented at ‘Human Distinctiveness: Wisdom’s Deep Evolution’, Notre Dame London Global Gateway, 6-9 July 2017.

  • ‘Embedded Exemplarism: Virtue, Human Nature and Communal Learning in Evolution’, Presented at ‘From Emulation to Exemplarity: Cultivating Virtue in Theology and Science’, panel session at the meeting of the International Society for Science and Religion, 18 November 2016.

  • ‘Change and Constancy in the Nature of Wisdom Over Time’, Presented at the ‘Evolution of Wisdom’ colloquium, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, 7-10 July 2016.

  • ‘Building Virtuous People? Transhumanism and the Possibility of Moral Enhancement’. Presented at the Society for the Study of Theology Postgraduate Conference ‘Bodies: Bridges and Boundaries’. 6-7 January 2014.

Other Publications and Presentations

  • ‘Technology and Human Nature’ in Challenging Religious Issues* 15 (2019), 2-8.

  • ‘Mystery and the Problem of Suffering’, public lecture (17th April 2018, Hull).

  • ‘Christology and Human Distinctiveness’, 18 August 2016. Blog post for Origins, Natures, Futures.

  • ‘Exemplars and the Natural World’. Presented at the Human Distinctiveness Working Group, Notre Dame, 30 March 2016.

  • ‘Human Goods: Why Human Distinctiveness Matters (Morally)’, 18 March 2016. Blog post for Origins, Natures, Futures.

  • ‘Stories and the Development of Virtue’. Presented at the Human Distinctiveness Working Group, Notre Dame, 4 November 2015.

  • ‘Are we Free Beings?’ in Challenging Religious Issues* 4 (2014), 20-25.

  • ‘Aristotle’s Virtue Theory’ in Challenging Religious Issues* 3 (2013), 7-12.

*Challenging Religious Issues is a journal supporting A-Level Religious Studies, with articles from leading scholars and practitioners.


Module leader

  • ‘Death in the Digital Age’, Level 4 (Online MA). University of Winchester. *Upcoming 2022-23

  • ‘The Brain, Human Nature and Ethics’, Levels 2-3. University of Winchester. *Upcoming 2022-23

  • ‘Philosophy and Theology in the Media’, Level 1. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Great Christian Thinkers’, Level 1. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Stories for Children’, Levels 2-3. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Other Animals’, Levels 2-3. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Contemporary Conversations’, Level 1. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Freedom’, Levels 2-3. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Culture: High and Low’, Levels 2-3. University of Winchester.

  • ‘Violence and Virtues’, Levels 3-4. University of Notre Dame.

  • ‘Principles of Philosophical Theology’, Level 1-3 extracurricular course. University of Durham.

  • ‘Theology in Popular Stories’, Level 1-3 extracurricular course. University of Durham.


  • ‘The Meaning of Life on Film’, Level 0 (Foundation Year). University of Winchester.

  • ‘The Good, The Bad, The Right, The Wrong’,Level 1. University of Leeds.

  • ‘Visions of Humanity’, Level 1. University of Leeds.

  • ‘Topics in Christian Ethics’, Levels 2-3. University of Durham.

  • ‘God, Freedom and the Soul’, Levels 2-3. University of Durham.

  • ‘God and Evil’, Level 1. University of Durham.

  • ‘Introduction to Christian Theology’, Level 1. University of Durham.

Academic Service and Administration

  • PhD Upgrade Examiner (2022-)

  • Member of University Assessment Working Group (2022-)

  • Value Studies Programme Leader (2021-)

  • Chair, Value Studies Student Liason Comittee (2021-)

  • Member of REF 2021 Working Group (UoA 31, Theology and Religious Studies).

  • Reviewer for special issue of Modern Theology (2019-20)

  • Organiser and guest editor of Challenging Religious Issues science and religion special issue (Autumn 2019).

  • Reviewer for journal Religions (2019-)

  • Chair of Value Studies exam board, University of Winchester (2019).

  • Value Studies open day representative, University of Winchester (2019-)

  • Staff representative for EQFM Global Quality Awards. University of Winchester (2019).

  • Sample lectures for Leeds University open day (June 2018).

  • Mentoring for postgraduate teachers, University of Leeds (2018).

  • Assisted with organisation of ‘The Evolution of Wisdom’ (July 2016), a Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing interdisciplinary colloquium.

  • Co-organiser of ‘Ecumenical Readings of Aquinas’ (Durham University 2013, 2014), a recurring colloquium on Anglican, Protestant and other contemporary engagements with Aquinas. Responsible for successful funding application, advertising and administration.

  • Website management for the Center for Theology, Science and Human Flourishing.

Awards and Grants

  • 2017: St. Andrews Fellowship in Theology and Science. £133,132.65.

  • 2015: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

  • 2013: Durham University Conference and Event Grant. £500.

  • 2011-2014: AHRC Doctoral Scholarship, University of Durham. £51,966.

  • 2010-2011: AHRC Research Preparation Masters Studentship. £9,419.


  • Moral theory in theology, philosophy and the sciences.

  • The development of moral character and behaviour.

  • Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas.

  • Free will, action theory and causality.

  • Virtue ethics and moral exemplarism.


  • Society for the Study of Christian Ethics

  • Society for the Study of Theology

  • British Society for the Philosophy of Religion

Other Experience

  • Administration for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Conference (Warwick University, 2006). Responsible for contacting and obtaining sponsors and attendees, taking payment and arranging accommodation.

  • Administration and web design for Hybrid Vehicle Research Group, (Warwick University, 2006-7).